Port Based

This dialogue box shows how the available ports (8080-8089) are currently assigned including the default Authorization Port and Profile. It also allows these current settings to be modified - except the overall defaults which are edited here.

When the dialog box is first opened the current configuration files are read and used to populate it so initially it shows the current configuration. Changes made and saved here will not affect the currently running configuration until either the Apply Changes menu is run or after the nightly update and restart.

Existing port/profile associates can be removed by clicking the appropriate Delete button.

New port/profile associations are created by selecting one of the available ports from the left dropdown menu and a profile from the right one. Clicking the New Line button will add this new association to the lsits and provide a new pair or dropdowns - note that the port dropdown contains only the ports that have not already been assigned to a profile. While the same profile can be assigned to multiple ports each active port will be associated with one and only one filter profile. Clicking Save Changes will write a new configuration file but, as noted above, these changes will only be made live after selecting Apply Changes from the Action Changes menu.

New Line

Adds the current menu selection to the table of port/profile mappings and creates a pair of new, empty menus. The changes are not written to disk and can be reversed by the Cancel Changes button.


Deletes a port/profile pair from the table. The changes are not written to disk and can be reversed by the Cancel Changes button.

Save Changes

Saves the current set of port/profile mappings to disk including any currently set in the drop-down menu.

Cancel Changes

Clicking this option re-reads the currently saved configuration files thus reversing any changes made in the interface since Save Changes was last clicked.